
We know you're excited to be a part of the 2025 conference and know what continuing education credits (CEUs) will be available to you, we are too! We are currently applying for CEUs for the 2025 conference. Be sure to check back here for more information about what CEUs will be available to you at the 2025 Better Buildings: Better Business conference. As they are approved, they will be listed on this page. Additionally, credits specific to each conference session will be listed in our session descriptions as they are confirmed.

Confirmed Credits for 2025

BPI - This event has been pre-approved for 41.25 BPI CEUs, each session earning 1.25 credits.

NAHB - This event offers 6 hours of continuing education credit for the following NAHB professional designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, and GMR.

NARI - This event is approved for NARI CEUs.

PHIUS - This event is approved for 12 total PHIUS CEUs, 6 credit hours for each day attended.

RESNET - This event has been approved by RESNET as a regional conference and therefore will be pre-approved to provide rater PD requirements for a three-year period at the core conference for RESNET raters, QADs, and instructors.


Questions about credits? Stop by the conference registration desk or email Hallie Jahr.

How do I claim my credits?

At the end of your conference experience, please complete this online form and list your information as well as which sessions you attended. Once submitted, we will make sure your credits are appropriately assigned to you.

Where can I see which sessions are approved for which credits?

Credits are listed in the session descriptions on the Sessions page

What if I forgot my member number(s)?

Email Hallie Jahr after the conference.

Where can I find the session IDs?

The session IDs are included with the session titles on the Sessions page. They will be shown onscreen during each session. If you don’t see it, ask your room moderator to give you the ID, which will be a number and a letter (for example, D8).

I have two credential numbers through WI-DSPS for being a Dwelling Contractor. Which one should I use on the Attendance Verification form?

Use your Dwelling Contractor Qualifier number. You do not need to include your company’s Dwelling Contractor license number.

How do I know which WI-DSPS credits are offered?

If WI-DSPS credits have been approved, they will be listed in the session descriptions on the Sessions page

Credits are being offered for the following: Dwelling Contractor Qualifier, UDC-Construction Inspector, and UDC-HVAC Inspector.

I have a credential that’s not mentioned in this year's conference materials. Can I still get credits?

It’s possible that you can still receive credits. Many orgs (like AEE CEM and WI home inspectors) don’t pre-approve credits for courses. Instead, it’s up to you to know if the content meets your educational requirements. However, the certificate that is sent after the conference can be used to self-report credits.

Can I attend the first or last half of an extended session and get credits?

No, partial credit cannot be given for sessions. If you need continuing education credits, you must be present for the entire session in order to receive those credits.

Will credits be offered for the sessions that are being recorded?

We plan to record all breakout sessions and make them available in our Learning Management System later this spring. We are planning to offer credits for the recorded sessions, but they may differ from what's been approved for the live sessions.

When do I need to fill out the Attendance Verification form?

You’ll need to do this before you leave the conference. The link will be provided to you at the conference.

How can I keep track of the sessions I attend for my own records?

After you submit the verification form, you'll have the option to download a copy for your records. You’ll want to have this documentation in case you get audited by an accrediting agency.

How do I report the credits I earn?

For BPI and WI-DSPS, we will submit credits on your behalf and then send you a course completion certificate for your records. For all other credits, you can use the certificate we will send you to self-report your credits.

When can I expect to receive my course completion certificate for attending the conference?

Course completion certificates will be emailed to you after the conference. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for us to process your information.