Randy Nilsson , PHIUS Certified Builder

Partner Sustainable Builders Group LLC

Randy Nilsson worked as a commercial carpenter in the Chicago area before moving to Mercer, Wisconsin to open Great Lakes Carpentry, Inc in 1999. He worked solo initially, before being recruited by Strongwood Log Home Company as a Dealer in 2001. Through a partnership with another Strongwood Log Home Dealer, he built the first Full Log Home to be Wisconsin Energy Star Rated and Green Built Certified in the State of Wisconsin in 2006. They held the lead at the Department of Energy’s Builders’ Challenge program with 3 Full Log Homes meeting these standards. We became Independent Representatives for Timberpeg Timber Frame homes in 2007 and Enercept SIP Dealers in 2008.

Randy became a Focus on Energy New Homes Program Trade Ally in 2006. Earned his NAHB Certified Green Building Professional (CGP) Designation in 2009 and NAHB Certified Aging In Place Specialist (CAPS) Designation in 2013. He's served as a State Director for his local builders’ association, Headwaters Builders Association for two years, as President for two terms starting in 2011 and as a Board Member. He's served on the Nicolet Technical College Carpentry Apprenticeship Committee for several years and still try to contribute. Randy earned his PHIUS Certified Passive House Builder Designation in 2014 and was awarded a Certificate of Achievement from Focus on Energy New Homes Program for building the most energy efficient home in Northern Wisconsin in 2016. He is currently working on his first project to be PHIUS Certified as a Passive House.