Torrance Kramer

Torrance Kramer has been passionately working to reduce energy consumption in buildings across the country throughout his 20 year career as a Building Envelope Commissioning Professional and as a Certified Energy Manager. He started his career working in utility rebate programs for nearly 10 years. Having completed thousands of comprehensive energy audits on various building types, he began to see the lack of understanding in air barriers. This led to specializing in air barrier testing and he began testing building air barriers and conveying the necessity for an effective air barrier in the older building stock. Having consulted on many existing buildings leant itself well to evaluate new construction buildings being built today. He has tested air barriers on most building types; from military to municipal to multifamily. For the last 10 years he has operated Accurate-Airtight Exteriors which tests, repairs, and consults on quality building air and thermal barriers. The outcome is many more building owners being able to say they have a comfortably tight and energy efficient building.